Corner lip lift

A corner lip lift is a short surgical procedure that helps to lift the corners of the mouth. The difference may only be in millimeters, but the change in appearance is dramatic. What’s better is that the small change is rarely noticed, even by those you see often. However, they will still recognize that something is different and that you look better and happier.

The reason for the remarkable change in appearance has little to do with how much has been altered, or in this case, not altered. As we age, our upper lip becomes longer, and that forces the corners of our mouth downward. Even when expressing positive emotions or smiling for a photo, downturned corners can still make it appear as if you are angry, sad or worried.

With a simple in-office procedure at Studio borbon we will lift the downturned corners just enough to bring back the youthful appearance you previously enjoyed. You’ll also notice that others see you as a happier and relaxed person, even if the only difference is a few millimeters of lift on each corner of your lips.